Brook Trout Pictures

This male Brook Trout was caught in a small spring fed creek in Wyoming. I caught several fish over four pounds from this small stream.

A monster Brook Trout that was 5 pounds and one of my largest. There is a story behind this fish! Check out the article on Brook Trout.

Brook Trout are probably the prettest of all of the trout, and if they are where you are fishing they will take a fly.

My first experience with Brook Trout was in Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado. The high mountain streams in the Park are full of Brookies. This fish is from the headwaters of the Big Thompson River in Rocky Mountain National Park.

Brook don't get very big, and anything over a pound is a big fish. I have been lucky and caught several Brook over four pounds. This is one of them and is from Wyoming.

I have had my best success catching Brook in Rocky Mountain National Park, spring fed rivers in Wyoming, and Maine.

Brook Trout can fight suprisingly well and I have had them take me to the backing several different times. This usually happens in larger streams or with fish over two pounds.

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