Dolly Varden Pictures
Dolly Varden range throughout the Pacific Northwest, Alaska, and Canada. They are a Char and can get very large. The silver color is characteristic of fish that have recently returned from the ocean.
This Dolly is typical of Coastal Dolly Varden that follow the Salmon upstream when they spawn to feast on salmon eggs. This fish was caught in the Anchor River about two miles from the coast and took a pink and white Clouser Minnow. On the latest Alaska trip I caught more fish on minnow flies than bead or salmon egg flies.
Dolly Varden have become a species that many people seek as a sport fish, and almost 80% of those that are caught in the Kenai Pennsula of Alaska are released. This fish was caught in the Kenai Pennsula and was released.
The Kenai River in Alaska produces Dolly Varden in the 10-15 pound class on a consistent basis. Most of these fish are caught on egg (beads) flies during the summer and fall salmon runs.
These fish are most common in the coastal streams throughout Alaska, and are by far the most plentiful trout in the area. This fish was caught in the Anchor River, Alaska about two miles from the coastal waters of Cook Inlet.
Dollys are strong fish that fight well, but stay down in the water and seldom jump. They are usually caught on egg flies during the salmon runs and also readily take minnow imitations most of the season. This is one of several fish caught on a pink and white clouser minnow in the same pool.