Splake Pictures

Splake are a hybrid created by crossing a Lake Trout with a Brook Trout (Speckled Trout). The hybrid grows faster than either of the base species but cannot reproduce. This is one of several Splake that was caught in Indian Pond, Maine in the spring of 2010.

I caught several Splake in Forsyth Reservoir, Utah which is in the Fish Lake National Forest. Splake are common in Canada, Great Lakes, Colorado, Wyoming, Idaho, Utah, and Maine. Maine and Utah seem to have the most comprehensive stocking programs for Splake.

Splake are beautiful fish and are used for different purposes by the Wildlife Agencies. They are fun to catch and readily take a fly.

Splake are very similar to Lake Trout in that they prefer colder water and will go deep when the surface water becomes warm.

This is Indian Pond, Maine and the Splake preferred the cooler water around where an inlet came into the Pond in the northeast corner. All of the trout we caught were concentrated in this area. I found a similiar situation around an inlet in Forsyth Reservoir, Utah.

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